日々を重ねるにつれて、「当たり前」が増えて、 頑張っていることさえ忘れてしまう。 “誰か”と比べて、自分は頑張ってないんじゃないか、 思うようにいかなかったこと、悔しかったこと、立ち止まったこと。 それでも、 ”自分”を生き抜いた。駆け抜けた。確かに頑張った。 頑張りは誰かが決めるものじゃない。 1年の終わりに、新たな年が始まるその前に、自分をたくさん褒めてほしい。 「強くなったね、よくやった!」そう言って抱きしめて、また進んでいけるように。 そんな想いを込めた1曲です。
As the days go by, “the norm” increases, We forget that we are even doing our best. Compared to someone else, I think I am not doing my best, I have had times when things didn’t go the way I wanted, when I felt frustrated, when I had to stop. And yet.., I lived out my self. I ran through it. I certainly did my best. It is not up to anyone else to decide how hard I worked. At the end of a year, before a new year begins, I want you to praise yourself a lot. You have become stronger, you did well! I want you to say that, hug yourself, and move on again. This song is filled with such thoughts.